What Is Corrective Exercise?

Corrective Exercise is a technique that leverages an understanding of anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics to address and fix movement compensations and imbalances to improve the overall quality of movement during workouts and in everyday life.

Corrective Exercise is used to help assess and determine the root cause of imbalances and faulty movement patterns that lead to issues with posture, balance, and total body coordination.


Coach Cody is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist as well as a Professional Triathlete.

He has a BS in Biology from the University of Nevada, Reno, and shadowed as a Physical Therapy Assistant in the Sports Medicine Department.

His goals as a coach are to bring fitness and well-being to everyone in a safe, fun and engaging environment. He wants to encourage all his patients and clients to gain autonomy and feel better about themselves and how they move.